An innovative solution to healing and wellness

Quantum Program Overview
Quantum Command University's program is the study of Quantum Command techniques. This program prepares one to implement the full nature of quantum work as it applies to interacting with the quantum nature of the body and what effects its ecosystem.
Students will learn the methods and approaches needed to master the Quantum Command system and Quantum Release TM.
Learning this approach, students will be empowered to implement this technique for the benefit of their own health, or for the health of others.

Program Overview
This program consists of rigorous exploration and mastery of quantum work within the body. It offers several key advantages:
the learning and empowerment to study and use cutting edge quantum work on yourself, and others, while freeing youself from the constant intersecting of allopathic medicine.
the potential to create your own income stream with the gratification of helping others and becoming financially independent.
being on the cutting edge of quantum body work, taking advantage of continual education as you and other practitioners expand the knowledge base with your implementation of this work in your varied applications.

How & When do we Meet?
All classes meet once a week, are online, and live. There may also be workshops and office hour times for additional instruction to be announced through the year.
Class for 2022 will begin the first week of September, likely on Thursday nights. Feel free to join a Quantum Command University Interest Call to get a more detailed schedule.

Application Fee: $25.00
Year One Tuition: $5,500.00 payable by check or credit card, due July 15
Year Two Tuition: $6,000 payable by check or credit card, due by July 15