An innovative solution to healing and wellness
Quantum Command University:
2023-2024 Schedule
Year One
Every Tuesday 6-8 PM Eastern
2023 Fall Semester
Sept 5: Muscle Testing 101: Current Modalities, Yes/No
Sept 12: Muscle Testing 101: What Can We Test? What Are We Testing?
Sept 19: Muscle Testing 101: Reflex Action Learning/Interference
Sept 26: Muscle Testing 101: Three Level Testing
Oct 3: Muscle Testing 101: Testing Remotely, Foods, Supplements
Oct 10: LAB: Muscle Testing Practice
Oct 17: NO CLASS
Oct 24: Q&A Discussion, Asking the Body Questions Using Scripts
Oct 31: Crash Course in Quantum Physics: Why We Need Quantum Physics
Nov 7: Crash Course in Quantum Physics: Manipulation of Forces
Nov 14: Crash Course in Quantum Physics: Observer Effects
Nov 21: NO CLASS: Thanksgiving week
Nov 28: Introduction to Scan Work: What is a Scan?
Dec 5: Using List A: What is on this List and how do you use it
Dec 12: Programming DNA: What exactly is Quantum Release?
(Last Class Before Christmas Holiday)
2024 Spring Semester
Jan 9: Systems of the body: What is Real, What is in the Body
Jan 16: Systems of the body: What is a body Part? Scanning the body
Jan 23: Practice/Scans
Jan 30: Inhalants, Injectants, Ingestants, Contactants
Feb 6: Pathogens: Viruses and other created Biowarfare
Feb 13: NO CLASS: Valentine’s Day Week
Feb 20 : Pathogens: Bacteria, Fungus, Mold, Mycobacteria, Mycoplasmas, Parasites, Plant Pathogens, Prions
Feb 27: Where did the endocrine system go? Hormone List, Neurotransmitter List
Mar 5: Practice/Scans
Mar 12: Toxins: Man Made/Naturally Occuring
Mar 19: NO CLASS
Mar 26: Periodic Table of Elements
Apr 2: Introduction to Technology in the Body
Apr 9: Introduction to Technology in the Body: Grids, Quantum Entanglement, Everything is Connected
Apr 23: End of Year Wrap Up
Year TWO
Fall Semester
Week 1: Why Are We Really Sick?/Deconstructing MFI: Ingredients of the Pathogen
Week 2: Deconstructing MFI: GeoLocator & Quantum Locator
Week 3: Deconstructing MFI: Microtrap & Boson
Week 4: Deconstructing MFI: Quantum Computer and Qubit & Light Matter
Week 5: What exactly is Quantum Release?/The Quantum Command
Week 6: Using List B: Technology and Sentience Identification and Traits
Week 7: The Black Box of Artificial Intelligence: Self Learning, Self governing, Self Adaptation
Week 8: NO CLASS
Week 9: Creating the Perfect Human via Artificial Intelligence
Week 10: Client Interface Appointment
Week 11: Methodologies of Quantum & Technological Distribution to the Body
Week 12: What is a Grid? How are we all gridded? Quantum Entanglement & its Primary Uses
Week 13: NO CLASS Thanksgiving week
Week 14: Layering of technology/Targeted Individuals
Week 15: Client Interface Appointment
Week 16: Client Interface Appointment
Spring Semester
Week 1: Black Goo: Sentient Genomics, Creating a New Human Race
Week 2: Black Goo: Symptoms, Signs, Relief
Week 3: Chem Trails: Gridding the Population, Programming the Population
Week 4: I See Smart Dust, Smart Dust Everywhere
Week 5: Client Interface Appointment
Week 6: NO CLASS: Valentine's Day
Week 7: Morgellons: Internal Particle Colliders
Week 8: Using mRNA & Pharmaceuticals to Program and Traffic Humans
Week 9: Quantum Tunneling Particle Programs into the Body: Remote Warfare
Week 10: Particle Fields and How to Manifest Control, Thought & Illness
Week 11: NO CLASS
Week 12: Client Interface Appointment
Week 13: Vaccine Microchipping
Week 14: Technological Human DNA injected into the body via Vaccines: Signs, Symptoms, Relief
Week 15: Client Interface Appointment
Week 16: Year Wrap Up