An innovative solution to healing and wellness

Dear Loyal Clients
It is with mixed feelings that I write this. It has been a long journey for us; as students of ourselves, we discovered more than we ever imagined.
And as some of you know, my personal life has undergone phenomenal changes, some tough, some wonderful- and it is with those changes that I’m choosing to move.
I’m announcing a Sabbatical that will likely extend for at least a year, if not several, beginning now.
I will not be serving or communicating with clients or media in any way via any means. I will not come out of a sabbatical to give an interview or check products for a client. I will not be producing content for my channel during my “off time.” I will not be active on social media (not that I ever was). I say this so that lack of communication does not result in personalization.
We have seen so many things together. We have shared so much and solved so many things.
I hope that this work has changed you, moved you and made you ask questions you’ve never asked before. As we all embark on our new paths, my wish is for that to continue. For us to ask our Maker questions is to find Wisdom.
Thank you. Thank you for your trust, your love, your support and your willingness to drop into a paradigm that no on had ever heard of. I love you all and wish you all the very best.
With love,